Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yeah I'm one of those people

Recently, I went to see the new movie "Eat, Pray, Love" with my friend Allie. The movie, as well as the book, chronicles the painful divorce of Elizabeth Gilbert and her journey to rediscover herself. Elizabeth sets off on an adventure to Eat in Italy, Pray in India, and unexpectedly opens herself up to new Love in Bali. A powerful line in the story read, "I used to have an appetite for my life, but now it's gone." This line stuck with me through the book and through the movie. I'm obviously still a very young person, at the tender age of 22, but I can feel myself losing this passion that was once so intense in me that I could wake up every morning and feel it radiating from my pores. 
After leaving the movie, the topic passion replayed in the discussion over and over again. It became an inquiry of, "Do I have passion?" "Am I passionless?" Or "Am I just looking for passion in all the wrong places?" I've always been, for the most part, happy with my life, who I am, and where I'm going. I love to eat, I LOVE to drink, and I love to talk. So aren't these my passions? Who is to say that my passion should be travel, sports, books, yoga, music, or God? Isn't passion something that's found within us? Chefs have a passion for food, food critics have a passion for food, but what about someone who enjoys sitting on an open patio, with a delicious crab cake, and an untested microbrew. Isn't that person indulging in their passion?
Passion to me is anything that turns your emotions upside down, makes you laugh and cry. Passion is a struggle and a joy ride. It's an aggression. It's a new lover. It's an old friend. It's a lust for life. It's my new blog. Bon Appetit!

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