Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jack O'Lantern

Jack o’ Lantern

Big ones, Small ones, round and pear,

Picking the canvas for ghoulish despair.

Fall leaves crinkle under the tractor’s wheel,

Excitement is now what the children feel.

A hay ride with donuts and apple cider made here

The patch is filled with spooky holiday cheer.

Scalp the top, take out the guts

Save the seeds for Mom we must.

First the eyes and then the nose

The mouth needs character, small teeth in rows.

Some laughing aloud, other meant to scare

Candles light up the artwork prepared with care.

Haunted houses, little ones fear

A ghost howls in the wind, the time is near.


Witches and Frankensteins fill the streets,

On the hunt for delicious treats.

Buy the candy, the door bells will soon ring.

Fall has come and Halloween it brings.

Monday, October 18, 2010



Losing sleep it consumes your life,
Work becomes a second choice.

Old loved ones, and people unknown;
Easily discussing their insignificant lives.

No time spent with people living;
Updates, Statuses, Pictures, Vacations.

Album after Album it sucks you in;
July 4th Lucy saw Ben,
Tommy and Janice broke up again.

Step away from the mouse, Turn off the screen,
Detox from this Social Media scene.

Facebook will consume your time,
A black hole in your life.

We Fight Change

A poem inspired by Gwendolyn Brooks.

We fight change. We
Cause pain. We

Humiliate. We
Mandate. We

Elicit shame. We
Are blame. We

Are straight. We
Are Great. We

Fight progression. We
Despise rebellion. We

Are Hate. We
Are prop 8.